Trusting Jesus – In Unknown Waters

Trusting Jesus – In Unknown Waters

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9 NIV


As a little girl I loved to sit on the lake pier and dangle my feet in the water while trying to touch the fish floating by with my toes. But I never liked to swim in the lake. The darkness of the water and not knowing what was lurking beneath the surface made me nervous. I had friends who would swing from tree limbs and jump right in to the murky unknown. But not me.

When I started dealing with health issues, I felt that I had fallen into the murky unknown waters, barely able to keep my head above water. Medical test after medical test brought more unanswered questions. I know we are taught, and scripture backs up, God’s promises to always be our provision if we stay focused on Him. It can be hard when we feel like we are sinking in unknown waters.

As I worked to navigate the many doctor appointments and hospital visits, I remembered what my swimming coach use to say. “When your legs and arms start getting weak, flip over on your back and float for a while.”

When you float on your back in the water, the waves hold you up. It is as if God is slowly guiding you to the shore, keeping you out of the darkness and in the light.

The same can be said about our thinking or attitude when we flip our thinking from “I can’t” to “I can with God’s help.” We start seeing Him working in our lives in ways we never imagined, giving us the strength to reach beyond our limited view.

I don’t know what unknown waters you may be treading but turn your eyes to Jesus and focus on Him. You may have days when things will not make sense - the finances don’t add up or the call from the doctor might not have the news you were hoping for. You may feel as if you are sinking in the murky waters. But don’t give up – look up!

Remember to stay focused on Jesus, the one who walked on water and reached down, taking Peter’s arm to keep in from sinking. He will do the same for you.


Mitzie Avera



Trusting Jesus – Letting Go of Control

Trusting Jesus – Letting Go of Control