God Moments – Finding Peace When Life Changes

God Moments – Finding Peace When Life Changes

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

 Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Change isn’t my favorite word. Change can be good when it brings improvement in something and makes you happy. However, change can bring sadness when you must face something that you were not expecting – a broken relationship, illness, or a financial crisis.

Several weeks ago, I began downsizing my home in preparation to move to a smaller, more suitable home for health reasons. As I looked through things, a sadness fell over me – partly because moving in general is stressful, but also because some of the things I had used a good portion of my life, I would be unable to use in the future and it made no sense to take them with me. Many times, I felt myself drifting away from doing the task at hand --- to avoid feeling sad.

I prayed a lot to God in the process, questioning the move. “Lord, if this isn’t the right move put a stop to it.” He continued to give me signs that I was making the right choice in moving. But, instead of feeling sad about the things I was giving up, I started thinking of the friends I knew who would enjoy using the items.

With each phone call or text, I was met with, “Oh my I would love that!” or “How did you know I am needing that?” I got so excited about giving things away and seeing my friends’ faces – I forgot about what I was losing and focused on what I was gaining – seeing the joy giving brought to others.

I was reminded of Jesus when He said lay down your possessions to follow Him. I was learning to lay down those things I was clinging to that were keeping me separated from what Jesus wanted to do in my life. Now, I get to watch the friends I love and cherish enjoy and use the items that I once cherished. God turned sadness into joy – and helped me see that letting go brings joy.


Mitzie Avera

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