God Moments – Buttercup and Me

God Moments – Buttercup and Me

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV


As a child I loved going to my uncle’s farm. He asked if I could come to the farm after school one day. When I arrived -- there she stood. Her blonde mane and her light brown fur gave her such beauty.

My uncle bought the horse from a friend who was moving. He thought his grandchildren would enjoy riding her. Patting her nose, I asked if I could go for a ride.

Saddled up -- off Buttercup and I went. An instant friendship was born. We rode along the pasture fence line, exploring areas we had never been to before. I felt so free riding Buttercup. We were in our own world.

I learned everything I could about taking care of Buttercup, and her saddle. In fact, I was the only one who ever rode her – my cousins weren’t interested.

When I would go out to the farm, Buttercup would hear my voice and come running ready for our ride. Even though we only rode in the pasture, we would always find something new on our journeys. One day while at the pond, she pawed at something. It was a turtle. He would stick his head out to get water at the same time, she was trying to take a drink. It was like the two of them had started their own game. I solved the conflict by moving the turtle.

As my life got busier with college and internships, I didn’t make it to the farm as much as I would have liked. Buttercup missed our together time and didn’t walk the fence near the road as much. Eventually, my uncle sold her to another family with kids so that she could feel her purpose again.

When I started dealing with some health issues, my thoughts drifted back to Buttercup. God reminded me that even though life around me changes – relationships matter. The friendships you make, you need to nurture. Friends stand by you in good and bad times. Buttercup taught me to be free in the moment, enjoy the beauty around me, and laugh at the little things that get in the way – there is always a plan around them. And God walks the different seasons with us no matter how hard they get. The biggest lessons are learned in your most challenging times. God’s faithfulness reigns!


Mitzie Avera

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