Mirror Images

Mirror Images

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

Proverbs 27:19 NIV


Picture a body of water on a windless day. The water appears as smooth as glass, reminiscent of a mirror. As you look at the glorious scenery, you also view a perfect reflection of the beauty in the water. Likewise, you will find your reflection if you peer into the water. What a peaceful image to conjure up. It relaxes me to think of it.

On the other hand, picture something quite the opposite—traffic. Recently, I observed a man wanting to turn right. He could not do so because the car in front of him did not scoot up far enough. He honked his horn, squealed his tires, rolled down his window, and yelled. I had a different reaction to that scenario.

Probably not the best thing to do -- I laughed. I could not help myself. He seemed pretty ridiculous to me. I could have reacted more compassionately, but I just laughed out loud. Who knows if a simple urgency to get somewhere or possibly a real emergency had brought on his impatience? His response certainly did not reflect a calmness of spirit at the moment.

Like water, glass, and mirrors reflect objects, our actions reflect our hearts. An older friend once told me that people can sense a difference in us as believers in Christ. They want to draw close to us because of it. They may feel a kindness, a softheartedness, or even an unspoken love in us because of Jesus. Sometimes, random people may not understand or know how to handle it, but hopefully, they will want to know this Jesus we believe in as we allow our image to reflect him.

Father, as I reflect on that tranquil water scene, I humbly pray my life reflects your presence in my heart. May your peace permeate my life and actions. May I reflect you.


Susan Partida


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