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Your Holy Ground

The commander of the LORD’s army said to Joshua,

“Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you

are standing is holy.” And Joshua did that.

Joshua 5:15 CSB


Perhaps you’ve sung the song Holy Ground at some point. If so, did you feel like you were on holy ground? Sometimes I feel it more when I’m singing to the Lord, looking at the expansive ocean waters or a mountain range, or spending time with Jesus on my deck.

God made sure Joshua knew His presence was holy just as God revealed this to Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3). Why? Because God Himself is holy and wherever He is, is holy!

Today, God’s holiness accompanies His presence continually in His followers who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Because of Jesus’ death, cross, resurrection, and ascension, we have ongoing access to His presence.

He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us, not just when we are in a place of worship, or in a temple as the Israelites experienced, but within our very hearts. He told His disciples to …remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20 CSB). He sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples to take the place of Jesus physically being with them.

Today, if we are Christians, we have the Holy Spirit, so the holiness of God is always with us. That gives us access to worship Him anywhere, any time. We are to reflect that holiness to the world around us so they, too, can see and follow Jesus.

Perhaps we should assess how our lives are reflecting the holiness of Christ, or not. We will never reach sinless perfection on earth, but daily we can grow more like Jesus’ image.

Jesus, show me where my life does not reflect your presence. Help me remember the importance of holy living. I’ll never be holy as you are this side of heaven, but the more I know You, the more I desire to grow in holiness.


Chris Adams