Remember when your parents said, just do what I say? Did you ever tell yourself, I’ll never say to my kids, because I said so? Did you keep that vow? I said it as well, and I broke that vow as well. I think God says the same thing to us!
Remember when your parents said, just do what I say? Did you ever tell yourself, I’ll never say to my kids, because I said so? Did you keep that vow? I said it as well, and I broke that vow as well. I think God says the same thing to us!
Has God ever given you an assignment that you were so excited about you shared it with others so they could be excited too? Maybe they would join in on the work of the assignment? Did it go so smoothly and problem-free? Or did you hit some snags?
How long was your longest wilderness? A time when you walked on and on without seeing an end, an answer. Perhaps you are still there now. Have you asked God what He was up to in the midst of this wilderness?
It had been one of those weeks where several things in our home were breaking down all at the same time. The dryer quit working, our sink drain was overflowing due to blockage and our garage ceiling was showing signs of a leak in our attic. It was a week of problems and stresses on top of a full schedule.
Waiting is hard. We live in an instant gratification world where groceries can be delivered to our doors and solutions to medical questions are literally at our finger tips.
One morning I was in front of my vanity mirror putting on my make-up. My youngest daughter walked up to me with a curious look upon her face.
I enjoy going shopping with my oldest daughter. She has a fun sense of style, and she encourages me to bring color into my wardrobe which gives me a “new look.” Without her encouragement, and sometimes honesty, my closet would be a color range of grays and blacks.
I love baking and cooking of all kinds. I have a slew of cookbooks and cooking magazines throughout my house.
God’s love varies greatly from human love, which is often conditional and fickle. His love endures forever (Psalm 107:1). It is unchanging despite our actions.
Where does the time go? Wouldn’t it be nice to have more time? I feel like I could accomplish so much more if I had more than twenty-four hours each day or if I didn’t need sleep.
A parent with devastating news posted a prayer request in our group. While the rest of us stumbled with our responses, one woman wrote, “I have no words.”
I sat behind a man whose hat displayed the phrase “dig down deep.” I thought, What would it look like for me to dig down deep into God’s Word?
Proverbs 2 enlightens us on how and where to start digging.
My precious granddaughter is in the terrific twos, so her emotions are all over the spectrum. If she does not get what she wants, screaming, crying, and pouting follow.
Upon reading Emmanuel by Ruth Chou Simons, I realized I was more like my granddaughter than I cared to admit.
On a calm day as I sailed across the Sea of Galilee on a boat tour in Israel, I could not help but think of this story…
Recently on a trip from the country into the city, I drove by a dense forest. It looked beautiful from a distance. But as I looked closely, I could see most of the trees were covered in thick vines that had climbed to the tree-tops, blocking the light from reaching them. This was not a healthy forest.
I have always been amazed at the transformation of the caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly!
One minute, it is crawling as a plain worm… to later fluttering in the air as a colorful butterfly. The same little creature has two very distinctly different bodies that do very different things.
I admit, when I was young, I had a rebellious side within me, and I knew it.
There were two sides within me that fought each other.
The good side knew the right things God wanted me to do, and the rebellious side knew too, but ignored God.
When I was young, I thought the Colorado mountains were so beautiful that as a child I asked my mom, “Are we in heaven?”
What if… we really could just drive into heaven?
What if… it could be that easy to get there?
Fast forward to the last week of Jesus’ life. There was always a hustle and bustle to Passover week. But this year the Teacher had drawn crowds when He made His triumphal entry into the city on Sunday. On one hand the people were hanging on His words. On the other the religious leaders were trying to entrap Him to ultimately have Him arrested and crucified as an enemy of Rome.