When Stress Arises . . . Pray

It had been one of those weeks where several things in our home were breaking down all at the same time. The dryer quit working, our sink drain was overflowing due to blockage and our garage ceiling was showing signs of a leak in our attic. It was a week of problems and stresses on top of a full schedule.

The Perfect Outfit

I enjoy going shopping with my oldest daughter. She has a fun sense of style, and she encourages me to bring color into my wardrobe which gives me a “new look.” Without her encouragement, and sometimes honesty, my closet would be a color range of grays and blacks.

Expectancy or Expectation

My precious granddaughter is in the terrific twos, so her emotions are all over the spectrum. If she does not get what she wants, screaming, crying, and pouting follow.

Upon reading Emmanuel by Ruth Chou Simons, I realized I was more like my granddaughter than I cared to admit.

Listen and Live Freely

Recently on a trip from the country into the city, I drove by a dense forest. It looked beautiful from a distance. But as I looked closely, I could see most of the trees were covered in thick vines that had climbed to the tree-tops, blocking the light from reaching them. This was not a healthy forest.

Seek Heaven

When I was young, I thought the Colorado mountains were so beautiful that as a child I asked my mom, “Are we in heaven?”

 What if… we really could just drive into heaven?

 What if… it could be that easy to get there?

Whose Am I?

Fast forward to the last week of Jesus’ life. There was always a hustle and bustle to Passover week. But this year the Teacher had drawn crowds when He made His triumphal entry into the city on Sunday. On one hand the people were hanging on His words. On the other the religious leaders were trying to entrap Him to ultimately have Him arrested and crucified as an enemy of Rome.