
The Impact of Inclusion

 Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. 

Acts 9:19


My daughter witnessed a rare moment—a cow returning to the herd with her newborn calf. The expectant mother had wandered off the evening before to give birth privately in the scrub brush. As dawn broke, the pair stood alone under a tree. The yearlings wandered up first. They circled the calf in curious amazement. Even though the mother tried to stay between them and her baby, she was outnumbered. Each simply wanted a sniff and appeared to say, “Welcome to the herd!” When the rest of the cows arrived, the calf was apparently overwhelmed with joy. It left its mother and eagerly greeted each cow one-by-one. It seemed to ask, “Will you be my friend?” 

Sometimes our own “herd mentality” keeps us from noticing the newcomer in the neighborhood, the office, or at church. Occasionally, a newcomer might be as gregarious as that newborn calf. Most, though, are hesitant to be the first to reach out. 

“Newcomer” was certainly true of Paul after his road to Damascus episode. He faced challenges from the young body of believers. They feared Paul because of his reputation for arresting and persecuting Christians. Imagine Ananias’ shock when the Lord instructed him in a vision to go to Paul! Ananias must have told the story many times, at least enough times to have it recorded in Luke’s Acts of the Apostles. His obedience changed his life and Paul’s!

How did it turn out? Paul’s sight returned and at once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 9:20). In fact, Paul created quite a stir! The local Christians had to help him escape the angry Jewish leaders by lowering him over the city wall in a large basket!

Like Ananias, we, too, must be willing to respond with a “Welcome” when the Holy Spirit prompts—even if it feels awkward. As we welcome newcomers with the love of Christ, we never know what God might have in mind for them, for us or for the world!


Linda Les



