Let Go!

Let Go!

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:18-19


Our daughter recently got a puppy which had been rescued from a trash bin. She named it Gwinny -- cutest little black and white thing you ever saw. Of course, she stocked up on all sorts of puppy items for Gwinny including a comfy little bed with soft sides.

Whoever told our daughter that puppy would stay small erred. She started growing at an alarming rate. Three months later, a foot taller and two feet longer, Gwinny outgrew her bed so our daughter bought her a newer bigger one.

Although we all thought Gwinny would like her new bed, she did not. She would still try to curl up in the old one even though her body would not fit. She usually ended up half in and half out. She rejected the new bed which was more her size and stuck to the old, too small one. 

As I looked at her I thought about how many times I have done the same thing. I would rather wallow around in the past I should have outgrown than move on to something better. I dwelled on that past rather than readjust to something much more exceptional. 

Just as Gwinny had to let go of her old bed to get into a more efficient one, I have to let go of anything hindering me from doing God’s new thing in my life. I can do it with the promise of his new good thing springing up. I can perceive it because he shows it to me when I let go. How exciting!  

God, you are like a spring ever flowing and providing sustenance. Your promises are true. Thank you for your guidance. You do not leave me where I am, but gently and continuously steer me toward your best. Help me to let go and let you take the lead. 


Susan P.



Strongholds Be Gone!

Strongholds Be Gone!