Renewed Strength

Renewed Strength

The Sovereign LORD is my strength;

He makes my feet like the feet of a deer

He enables me to tread on the heights.

Habakkuk 3:19


I strained to see them and marveled at their graceful movements among the rocky cliffs of Israel—the Ibex mountain goat. They actually looked like petite antelopes. Visitors to Israel often get to glimpse them springing from rock to rock as they navigate the mountain heights, graceful and confident. One glimpse immediately brings a familiar verse to mind, one you might have seen on wall hangings, plaques or even have in your own home! 

Yahweh my Lord is my strength;

He makes my feet like those of a deer

And enables me to walk

On mountain heights!

Hab. 3:19

Habakkuk had been faithful to cry out to the Lord for his people who lived under unjust leadership. He asked for God to bring justice into an unjust world. He’d trembled when God revealed His plans to do just that—a Babylonian invasion as judgment on their nation’s wickedness. Even though he wondered why God would use a more wicked nation to judge a less wicked nation, he continued to declare his confidence in God’s righteousness.

In confusion combined with an unswerving conviction, Habakkuk lived out the message he’d written in chapter 2, verse 4, "The righteous one will live by faith." He then concluded his writings with this well-known verse of his song, one of strength and victory throughout the challenges of life. My heart responds to his determination to remain faithful to His God. I’m reminded it’s possible to rise above the valley of troubles by drawing upon His strength. It encourages me to do the same, and I pray it does the same thing for you!

Linda L.

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