All in God's Will

What Are You Searching For?

The other day I was taking off my jewelry, and I must have pulled too hard on my ring. It flew off the end of my finger when I pulled it over my knuckle. I heard it hit the carpet. I immediately got on my hands and knees to look for my ring. I must have looked for 20 minutes before I decided to stop and try again later. After looking later, I still could not find my ring. I knew it was there, and I also knew that I would find it with continued searching.

No Coincidence

A few months back I came to an intersection. As I looked to my right, about 100 yards down the road, a truck was spinning out of control and came to a stop just off the road. He apparently had a tire blowout. As I watched, one of his wheels came hurtling towards me, rolling and bouncing all the way. As it got closer, I eased forward a little, and it crossed the road about 15 feet behind my car.

The Simple Things: Ask

Ladies, there’s that word remain again; only this time it’s coupled with an invitation to ask. Not just to ask though—to ask whatever you wish. Seems simple. I’m more than willing to ask for what I wish; but not so fast—lots of hidden innuendo in Jesus’ words.