A Sweet Assignment

A Sweet Assignment

What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

2 Timothy 2:2

I met a friend when I was in my 30’s who mentored me without me even understanding that was what she was doing. She shared transparently about a painful family situation causing me to think, I could never do that!

A number of years later I found myself in almost that exact place as my friend, wondering how in the world I could face the issue. Then I remembered how she faced this situation with complete trust in the Lord. That began my own painful journey that lasted many years.

In the midst of this, my heart was so grateful for God’s presence and for my friend’s influence that I knew I’d make it and, in turn, I wanted help other women struggling with a similar crisis. Often I prayed with others even as I prayed and cried through my own situation!

Paul taught Timothy to take what he’d learned from Paul and teach it to faithful men, who would turn around and teach to those coming behind them! What a privilege to disciple others in their spiritual journey! I actually got to see this friend for the first time in years just a couple of weeks after I wrote this devotional!

Who has ministered to you? Who has intentionally mentored you in some way? Who has discipled you? Who has walked with Jesus in a way that changed your own walk?

Now, who are you ministering to? Mentoring? Discipling? If your walk has been touched by someone else, what are you doing to pass that on to another person? Show that person Jesus, and show her how to walk through hard seasons so she can also do the same for someone else!

Thank you, Lord, for giving us spiritual influences who have gone before us and who have walked where we are walking! Help me pass it on to others.

Chris Adams

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