Surrendering Now!

Surrendering Now!

The Father… knows better than you what you need.

Matthew 6:8 MSG


In the past few years, I have asked God to reveal a word that relates to my journey with Him for that year.

My word for this year is surrender.

I have been very surprised by what I have learned so far!

In my plans for big events this year, my husband and I wanted a vacation for his 60th birthday.

But God made it clear that His will for my husband was that he was to have surgery to remove cancer from his body on his birthday.

Reminding me that…

This is the Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need (Matthew 6:8 MSG).

What I want is not always what I need.

My response… surrender.

And where were we on my husband’s birthday?

You guessed it! In a hospital… with my husband in surgery.

This was not expected, but it was the right and wise response.

Jesus knows the need to remove that dangerous thing is more important than the fun I may wish to have.

I had to let that sink in… and surrender.

Jesus sees the real need.

Father, in the quiet of my heart You speak to me… whispering, “Trust my right way for you. I am focused on your needs. I always lead you the right way.” Help me trust You and surrender to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


Stacy A. Davis

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