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At the Savior’s Feet

Come let us bow down in worship,

let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.

Psalm 95:6


Mary of Bethany was often at the feet of Jesus.

In Luke 10, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet listening and learning. She set aside busyness and chose that which was better and lasting. She listened to Jesus’ words, believed them, and embraced them. It was Mary who later acted in belief of Jesus’ words that He would be killed in Jerusalem and raised to life.  

Will you choose to set aside busyness and sit at Jesus’ feet? As you open your Bible daily and listen to His words, He will impart life-transforming truths to you.

In John 11, Mary was at Jesus’ feet in grief. Her brother, Lazarus, had died. Jesus came to Mary and Martha after Lazarus had been dead four days. Upon hearing of Jesus’ arrival, Mary ran and fell at His feet. Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died (John 11:32). She asked no questions. Instead, she acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Master, demonstrating her humble submission. Mary knew Jesus could have arrived earlier and healed Lazarus. Yet, she trusted.

In your present trial, will you humbly submit to Jesus, trusting not only what He can do, but also what He chooses to do?

In John 12, Mary again bowed at the feet of Jesus. Jesus was dining with her resurrected brother, Lazarus. Mary in gratitude poured a pint of pure nard on His feet. Her action was based on faith. She believed Jesus’ words that His death was imminent, and she prepared His body for burial.

Mary’s action was unrestrained worship of Jesus, as she unashamedly let down her hair and wiped his feet. She worshiped Jesus spontaneously and extravagantly. The perfume cost almost a year’s wages. This outpouring of Mary’s love demonstrated her exalted esteem of Jesus. He was worthy of her best.  

How are you displaying to Jesus His all-surpassing worth?

Lord Jesus, draw us to your feet in wholehearted trust. Lead us to extravagant worship.  

