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Long Patience

“You unbelieving generation,” Jesus replied. “… How long shall I put with you?”

Mark 9:19 NIV


Mother taught me how to sew at a young age. At first, she personally handled the do-overs because removing stitches required too much patience for a child. Eventually, though, she announced, “Anyone who sews must also be willing to rip!” That was the day she assigned the task of ripping out incorrectly sewn seams. Machine stitching 20 inches took 1 minute. Removing those same stitches took fifteen or more! Ugh. My patience was short.

Both the Old Testament Hebrew and the New Testament Greek expand the meaning of the English word, patience, to include: slow to anger; long-suffering; forbearance, having long patience, steadfastness, perseverance; slowness in avenging wrongs.*

Mark 9 tells of Jesus’s Mount of Transfiguration experience witnessed by three disciples. Afterward, Jesus encounters a frustrated crowd surrounding the remaining disciples. A man had brought his son to be healed but the disciples had not been able to heal him. Many believe Jesus’ words, “How long must I put up with you,” were directed toward the disciples. The statement demonstrates Jesus’ long patience! How blessed and thankful I am for it!

I have found these varying shades of patience both helpful and frustrating. I needed long patience for ripping out stitches. Rehabilitation from an illness required my perseverance. My mother’s eventual mental decline required her own long-suffering. My brother losing retirement funds due to the company’s mismanagement required slowness in avenging wrongs.

What joy to know I am not on my own. I have access to each of these forms of patience because of the presence of the Holy Spirit within me. Thank you, Lord!


Linda Lesniewski


                                                                                                Holy Spirit, patience, Jesus