The Art of Fishes

The Art of Fishes

And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures,…”

Genesis 1:20 (NIV)

Fish intrigue me. Not my typical consumption of salmon, which usually goes unnoticed, but the visual perfection and extravagant beauty of living sea life in its natural habitat is what fascinates me. The shapes, markings, lavish color and movement often entice me to stop and enjoy fish whenever I may see them— in stores, zoos or aquariums.

My grandsons, both fishermen from young ages, triggered my interest in fish again during a summer beach trip. I watched the boys flop the beautiful little creatures onto the sand while I snapped a photo before they threw them back into the water. Later, we had fun looking at the photos to identify the species while we marveled in their uniqueness.

The “fish” photos inspired me to create a body of artwork using the mediums of drawing and printmaking.

My curiosity led me to focus on Spotted Sea Trout, Texas Red Drum, and Clownfish. The finished works consist of a colored-pencil drawing and three prints produced from woodcuts.

Over time, I have discovered that the study and process of art consistently takes me to a higher plane of awareness. I am consistently transported from the stress-producing stuff of life to a serendipitous escape where I lose track of time—whether for moments and even for hours.

I have also learned that my finished drawings are not the ultimate product, I find focus, the contemplative process is where the greatest value is experienced. The process includes meditation on chosen scriptures which flow from the Holy Spirit through my mind, my heart, my imagination and finally to my hands. While my Creator King leads me through the process, my perspective on the finished work never includes a concern for accolades from people. It is the time spent with Him that far outweighs the quality of the finished piece.

I encourage you to discover your own chosen “world of escape” where your schedule  doesn’t dominate your thoughts. The possibilities are endless, and the benefits will not only enhance your life as well as the lives of those in your circle. 

Father, Your magnificent love and care for us by gifting us Your Creation and Your Words are overwhelming. Help us to be creative in ways which personally enhance our  understanding of your loving Gifts. Help us to never lose sight of what you have done for us. I praise You with your words in Psalm 8 as we “…consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place.” Help us to be forever “mindful of them” as we live in your Kingdom here on earth. 

Jill Hendrix



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What is Good?