The Gift of Grace
“The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen”
Rev. 22:21
I’m not surprised that the Apostle John closed his Revelation with a blessing. John’s words of blessing are not only directed to seven churches in Asia Minor but to each one of us—if we’ve accepted Jesus as our Lord.
His closing words offer resounding expressions of hope and peace: “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen” (Rev. 22:21).
What is God’s grace? It’s His unmerited favor upon fallen mankind through the provision for salvation through the payment for sin by His son’s death. God’s grace extends beyond that, though. It’s our breath and the food we eat. It’s the roof over our heads and the bed in which we sleep. It’s friendships and family, sunsets and rainbows. It’s the fellowship of other believers in our community and around the world. It’s taste, and sound. and sight. It's the feel of a new born baby in our arms.
Truly, His grace is with us 2000 years later as we still navigate by faith the journey set before each of us!
Father, open our eyes to see it, to acknowledge it, to experience it and to pass it on!
May the Grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all!
Linda Les