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Drop the Blanket

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Luke 2:10-11 ESV


It went with her everywhere… my daughter’s baby blanket was her security for years. They did everything together. She even named it “Bobbie.” When the blanket was over-loved, I repaired it several times. Eventually, it was packed in a family memory box.

Then there’s Linus, of the Peanuts gang, who is known for his light blue blanket that he carries everywhere. Some of the gang tried to take it away—unsuccessfully.

He refused to let it go… until… the climactic scene in Charlie Brown’s Christmas play. Charlie Brown is frustrated and asks, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Linus responds with the perfect answer by reciting Luke 2:8-14 while holding his blanket as usual. But… at the precise moment when he reads, “Fear not,” he drops the blanket! I’ve watched this Christmas movie for over fifty years and never noticed that until recently. It’s clear to me that the author, Charles Schulz, was communicating that the birth of Jesus is significant. He—the Anointed One—can free us from our fears and insecurities.

Our “blankets” may be less obvious. Our culture, our health, our jobs, our relationships, our time, our finances certainly count. When we drop our security blankets to cling to Christ, we learn to trust Him. Trust welcomes peace into our hearts. God perfectly cares for us.

Will you open your heart to the One who can keep you secure? Not only at Christmas but each day as we journey through life’s uncertainties.

Don’t miss the Hope of Christmas. Drop the blanket.

Jesus, You are trustworthy. You are bigger than all our fears. When we open our hearts to You, the useless props fall away. May we drop them at Your feet and leave them there.

Karen Sims