Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Jesus continued to learn more and more and to grow physically. People liked him, and he pleased God.

Luke 2:52 ICB

My son wants me to cut his hair. This is surprising. He likes his hair long. It’s not just long, but ponytail long. He could play a convincing role as Jesus. He does have beautiful hair. It is thick and shiny and wavy.

I am transported to an earlier time when his thick brown hair was wispy and blonde. He was just a tiny boy. I was about to give him his first haircut. He had no qualms. I, on the other hand, was struggling internally to clip those baby curls. This was the passing of a stage we would never get back.

Saying goodbye to one stage and embracing another can be unsettling. We often feel trepidation, but also much excitement for what lies ahead.

My son has been hanging onto his hair as a sign of his youth. He has seen the future of the boys on my husband’s side of the family. My older son has a receding hairline. Both my husband and his brother are balding on the top. My father-in-law has only a thin patch of hair left on the back of his head.

When my son asked his grandfather what he should do about his thinning hair, his grandfather told him, “Get a girlfriend quick!” The rest of us thought that was funny. My son didn’t.

At some point, we must stop hanging onto the past and accept what God has for our futures. The goal is to emulate Jesus who increased in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52 ESV). I am thankful my son is at that point.

As I cut off the beautiful curls again, I will thank God for what he has done in my son’s life and what he is going to do in the days and years to come.

Jesus, you always moved forward, boldly accepting the challenges that came your way. May we follow your example.


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