Got Milk?

Got Milk?

Like newborn infants, desire the pure spiritual milk, so that you may grow by it for your salvation, since you have tasted that the Lord is good.

1 Peter 2:2-3 HCSB

A squirrel caught my eye at the park. It nibbled on kernel after kernel of corn, undeterred by people jogging by or children squealing on the playground. 

I tossed the little guy a piece of my peanut butter granola bar. The smell of peanut butter lured him from the corn, in search of the nugget. The squirrel tasted it, and he wanted more!

I held a piece of the granola bar toward him. Cautiously he inched closer. Finally, desire overcame fear. He snatched the food and took off to eat it. After finishing the morsel, he came back again. And again.

This brave critter actually stretched up tall, pacing his paws on my chair. He wanted more and was determined to do whatever he could to get it.

Isn’t that how we are once we get a taste of Jesus? A glimpse of his love whets our appetites for more. A taste of his goodness brings us scurrying back again. An understanding of his mercy causes us to fall at his feet in gratitude.

In our Sunday Bible class, I love observing the changes in the babies. As these precious little ones drink milk day after day, their bodies grow larger and stronger. Their personalities begin to develop.

We change, too, as we drink deeply of the pure milk of the word (1 Peter 2:2 NASB). The Holy Spirit leads us into an ever deepening understanding of spiritual things.

We can ingest this spiritual milk in different ways. Some may prefer reading. Others may learn best through listening. Some memorize verses or write them down. Little by little, we will grow and change in our spiritual walks. Somehow, God changes our selfishness into love for others. He turns our stubbornness into teachableness, our pride into humility.

Have you had a taste? Drink up!


Always Faithful

Always Faithful

My God is so Great!

My God is so Great!