

The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.

Proverbs 21:31

A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.

Psalm 33:17

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57


In what do we put our faith? Do we put it in our health, our government, our family, our jobs, our financial status? While all of these may be worthy of thought and consideration, God’s Word tells us that the victory – true victory -- comes from Him.

As I meditated over these verses, I could not help but ask myself the question, “What would I use as a substitute for the word horse?” I would ask you the same question. 

The answer may require some soul searching. What do I spend time thinking about and doing? What do I enjoy? Even worse, what do I obsess over? For myself, I might put the word “food” in place of “horse.” Others may use “work” instead. “Exercise” or “hobbies” could also replace “horse.”

God commands us to be useful, to work, and to rest. Do we take those things out of context and put our eyes on them instead of Him? Do we value and nurture our personal relationship with Him as much as we do our that of our families or friends? 

Surely, we do need to prepare for the battle. We do not want laziness or a sense of apathy to take over. But ultimately victory comes from the Lord. He deserves our time, our efforts, and our thoughts. 

If we want true victory in our lives, our faith and trust have to remain in Him. We have to believe that truth and we have to live like we believe it. We have to put actions behind our words and beliefs.

Thank you, God, for the promise of victory in You. You can carry us through whatever battles come into our lives. Help us to keep our eyes on You.


Susan P.

In My Way

In My Way

The Responsibility to Encourage

The Responsibility to Encourage