Could More Be Better?

Could More Be Better?

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. 

Proverbs 15:22

Recently one word out of this verse hit home: advisers. Plural. 

Notice it does not say adviser. 

In fact, the verse says many. 

I never really thought too much about this until the last six months when I’ve needed some good advice on some complicated issues. 

Obviously, as Christians, we want to reach out to godly people. Whether you choose pastors, friends, or professional counselors, be sure they share your Biblical worldview. Don’t assume they hold your views even if you attend the same church.

So why does the verse say many advisers?

Here’s what I think:

  1. None of us get it right all the time. And that’s true even for paid, Christian counselors. If you get advice that just doesn’t sound right, it’s OK to question it and get other opinions. Matter of fact, Proverbs 15:22 and many other Proverbs encourage us to get multiple opinions.

  2. You may need more support than one person can give. One person only has so much time and energy.

  3. Wise people see things differently. We all have various perspectives based on our personalities, family of origin, and life experiences.

  4. Many situations aren’t black and white, right or wrong. There is room for more than one “right” answer.

  5. Different people have different strengths. Professional counselors may even specialize in certain areas such as anxiety, marriage, or addiction. You may have a specific problem that will be handled much better — and faster — if you go to a person with lots of experience in that area.

With this post, I must add a warning too. I don’t recommend jumping from one professional to another haphazardly. And I don’t advocate telling everyone your business. Not everyone is wise. 

Remember Jesus is the only Counselor who never makes a mistake. We should always seek Him first. 

Lord, thank you for the wise people you’ve placed in my life. Help me to have wisdom and discernment as I navigate the difficult issues in my life.


Unlikely Lifelong Friends

Unlikely Lifelong Friends

