The Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem…Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”

Matthew 2:1-2


Tonight a rare event is happening. Just after sunset on the southwestern horizon you can witness the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Though these planets will be millions of miles apart, they will appear to be almost touching. An alignment of these planets occurs approximately every 20 years. However, this conjunction is exceptional because of how close Jupiter and Saturn will appear. An alignment of this greatness hasn’t occurred since March 4,1226. Their closeness will create a radiant point of light that is being called the Christmas Star or Star of Bethlehem.

Matthew 2 gives the account of another star known as the Star of Bethlehem. Magi, who were astrologers, noticed a unique star in the heavens. Being familiar with Jewish prophecy that a Messiah or king would be born, the Magi connected this unusual light to the king. They followed the light of God, which led them to worship Jesus. The same is true for us. As you and I respond to the light of God found in His Word, we are led to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. The Magi teach us this truth:

Those who respond to God’s light are led to worship Jesus.

William Law wrote in the 18th century, “When the first spark of a desire after God arrives in (your) soul, cherish it with all care, give all heart unto it…Follow it as gladly as the wise men of the East followed the star from heaven that appeared to them. It will do for (you) as the star did for them: it will lead to the birth of Jesus, not in a stable at Bethlehem of Judea, but to the birth of Jesus in (your) own soul.”

What light or truth about Jesus has God revealed to you, and how have you responded? Will you follow in belief?


Jan Burkhart

The Magi’s Belief

The Magi’s Belief

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