What Makes You Feel Special?

What Makes You Feel Special?

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Luke 12:6-7 (ESV)


As a child, I felt special every time I took a bath at my Granny’s house.

At that time, Granny only had one bathroom. The tub, sink and toilet were probably 30 years old. The water pressure wasn’t that great, but I didn’t care about any of those things.

So what made baths at Granny’s house so extraordinary? Colorful balls of soap all piled in a pretty dish on the side of her tub.

They looked way too pretty for an 8-year-old to use. 

But guess what? Granny told me that I could use any or all of these soap balls during my bath. Sometimes I stayed in the tub longer just to use every color. 

She wasn’t saving them for a special occasion. I could use any and every soap color at bath time. Wow. I could hardly contain my excitement. (Remember, this is the 8-year-old me.) 

All these years later, I still remember those soap balls. Most of all, I remember feeling that Granny valued me so much that I could use her beautiful soap. We all want to feel that way, right?

If you’ve ever doubted your worth, hear me. As much as Granny loved me, God loves me (and you) infinitely more. 

He thought you (and I) were worth dying for. That’s why He sent His only son to earth and ultimately the cross. He didn’t want to live without us. How can we be more loved than that?

Lord, thank you for valuing me enough to send Jesus to die for me. Thank you for your blessings here on earth and your promises yet to come.



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