The Shepherds: Go and See

The Shepherds: Go and See

…“Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened,

which the Lord has told us about.”

Luke 2:15

God interrupted the commonplace. The glory of God shattered darkness. A message from an angel broke the silence. The Savior, Christ the Lord, had been born! As shepherds in the field beheld the angel, their initial response was fear. But with the announcement of the birth of the awaited One, fear turned to determination. The shepherds said, Let’s go…and see...(Luke 2:15). They hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the heralded baby lying in a manger.

The shepherds went to Jesus, as they were—no cleaning up or changing of clothes. They went from tending dirty sheep into the presence of the holy Lord. And so these shepherds are sending forth the message to all: Come to Jesus as you are. No need to clean up your act, no need to change. Just come.

The shepherds hurried to the stable. They didn’t dawdle. They didn’t procrastinate. Upon hearing the news, they left immediately. The message again is clear: Go now! Seek the Savior who has come for you!

The shepherds found the baby Jesus. God declares, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). So, what are you seeking today? Are you seeking peace or joy? Are you seeking a purpose or significance? Are you longing to fill a void within your life? Then seek Jesus Christ. The actions of the shepherds proclaim: Seek Jesus, and you will find Him and experience abundant life! (John 10:10)

After seeing Jesus, the shepherds spread the word about Him. They told others what they had seen and what they had been told. Their testimony of the Lord amazed those who heard. (Luke 2:17-18) The shepherds’ lives had been changed. So, a final message from the shepherds: Those who come to Jesus will find new purpose!

So go now and see, just as you are. Jesus, the Savior stands ready to amaze you and give your life new meaning!

Jan Burkhart

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