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An Aroma that Impacts

For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved

and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death;

to the other, the fragrance of life...

 2 Corinthians 2:15-16


Ashley was very young when she told our friend, John, that she liked the way he smelled. Later, John surprised Ashley with a bottle of his cologne. Though it was almost empty, she was thrilled. It was her treasure because it reminded her of her special friend.

Ashley put the bottle among her other treasures on her closet shelf. Initially, the fragrance permeated the closet, but as time went on, the fragrance faded. An almost empty cologne bottle will eventually lose its fragrance.

We believers are to be the fragrance of Christ in this world. As you and I are filled with the Spirit, His fragrance flows through our words and actions. Is the fragrance of Christ permeating the world through you? Are you so filled with the Spirit of Christ, that His fragrance can’t help but flow from you?  

In the Roman world, a victorious general was given a parade with pomp and glory. Ahead of the general marched several priests, swinging pots of fragrant incense. Behind them marched the prisoners being led to their execution. To those prisoners, the fragrance of the incense was the smell of death. However, to the priests, soldiers, and citizens of Rome, the fragrance represented victory and life.

What can you expect as the fragrance of Christ flows from you? To some that fragrance is an offensive smell of death. Because they have rejected Jesus, they will also reject you. However, to others the fragrance of Christ will be a pleasing aroma. Some will be drawn to Jesus in belief. Many will be encouraged in their faith.

Let’s purpose this coming year to be so permeated by Jesus that His fragrance overflows and impacts those around us!

Lord, we pray your glorious fragrance would be recognized in us and used to draw others to you.


Jan Burkhart