Why Would You Call Her That?

Why Would You Call Her That?

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32 NIV


My son’s coworker and I were chatting at their workplace. She brought my son up in the conversation and said, “I called him David the other day. It felt very weird.”

Another coworker overheard this. He asked, somewhat derisively, “Why would you call him that?”

She said, “Because that is his name.”

You see, due to a mix-up when my son, David, first started working at this establishment years ago, he became known as Charlie. Both he and the name have stuck around. I’m known to them as Charlie’s mom.

While David answers to Charlie, he knows his true name is David. We can be misled into believing false names about ourselves. Sometimes others try to place these labels on us; sometimes we do it ourselves. What names have you been responding to? How long have you accepted them as true? Names such as Unacceptable, Unworthy, Ugly, Unlovable, Used, Useless, Unintelligent, etc.

We may have believed lies about ourselves for years. The good news is once we know the truth, we no longer have to answer to these names. Then we will experience true freedom in Jesus.

The woman in Luke 7 that poured perfume on Jesus’ feet was called Sinner and Sinful Woman by the local townspeople. Jesus called her Forgiven.

Sarah was known as Barren and Disgraced. God called her Princess and Mother of Nations.

Mary Magdalene was labeled Demon-possessed. Jesus knew her as Healed.

Like my son’s coworker, others may question your true name. “Why would you call her Pure? I know what she has done.” “Why would you call her Beloved? People make fun of her.” “Why would you call her Delivered? She is messed up.”

Why? Because Jesus said you are. Because that is your name. You are Accepted, Valuable, Beautiful, Loved, Pure, Holy, Forgiven, His Child, and Chosen.

Will you believe what others say, or will you believe what God says? Freedom awaits you.


Terri Vardeman



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