God’s Recall

God’s Recall

Now, faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

Hebrews 11:1 & 2 (NIV)

Hebrews 11, often referred to as the “Faith Chapter,” mentions by name people who chose to display strong faith in God. Interestingly enough the stories of some of the faithful mentioned there came from the book of Judges found in the Old Testament. These people lived years and years before the writing of the book of Hebrews, but God had the writer include their names. God commended them for their faith.

Ehud displayed much courage and faith as he carried out God’s commands. God used Ehud’s left-handedness to trick the attendants of the King of Moab allowing him to carry a double-edged sword in to kill the king. Ehud then escaped and gave glory to God for his success. His actions motivated the Israelites to go to battle with him and conquer the Moabites. He carried out God’s plan obediently and brought victory for Israel. God did not let Ehud’s faithfulness go unnoticed.

Another person whose name appears in Hebrews 11 from the book of Judges is Gideon. Against all human odds, he displayed a strong faith in God evidenced by his obedience. Gideon believed God when he told Gideon he had too many men to go into battle. God wanted the victory only explained by himself not by a mighty army of men. Gideon’s troops went from thousands to mere hundreds and yet, Gideon worshipped God and did what he said. The result – victory for the Israelites, God also commended Gideon for his faith.

This brings us to today, sometimes we may feel like God is leading us in an uncomfortable direction which may not make sense to us or the world. The sense comes in obedience and faith when God gets all the glory for our actions. I can think of no better outcome.

God, lead us to act obediently like Ehud and Gideon. May you receive the glory and honor. Amen.

Susan Partida

Deborah – Woman of Faith

Deborah – Woman of Faith

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