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Who Told You that You Were Naked?

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them: male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27 (NIV)


How many times have I anguished over my “self-image”? I can be my own worst critic. I am not pretty enough, ambitious enough, good enough, smart enough. What must God think? Where did it all begin?

 God created Adam and Eve “in his own image.” He put them in a perfect world, but with one rule. When they disobeyed the one thing he asked of them, the sin of their disobedience came crashing into their lives. They started to look at themselves with different eyes. They hid from God and tried to cover themselves up. Their self-images must have plummeted.

 At that very moment, God came to them and asked a most interesting question,

“Who told you that you were naked?” Genesis 3:11 (NIV)

Who told them that they were naked? Satan, the enemy, did. Satan gave them the idea to disobey God and then pronounced a sentence of shame on them when they did. Although God did allow them to go through the consequences of their actions, he never shamed them.

 I recently realized God asks the same question of me. Who told you that you weren’t good enough? Who told you that you were naked?

 The answer – Satan, that same old snake did. Believing the enemy’s lies, Satan causes me to feel exposed and inadequate – naked.

 God tells us he made us in his image. Why would we not believe what he says? He does not go back on his word even when we mess up. My self-image is totally his image. I disobey him if I believe otherwise.

 Fortunately, God gives us powerful ammunition in his Word to use against Satan’s lies, “Satan, we are made in God’s image so take that and get out of our way!”

 Father God, when Satan tries to get us to question our own abilities and image, help us to remember in whose image you created us – YOURS. 


  Susan Partida