Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; 

wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

Psalm 51:7


We have a large wool rug in our den. Though we now have the rug professionally cleaned, I initially cleaned the rug by following the instructions I was given.  I washed it with mild shampoo and let it dry naturally. Most of the time, this worked well. But one time I cleaned the rug and brought it back inside before it was completely dry. Damp wool is not a pleasant odor. I felt like I was living with a herd of wet, smelly sheep! 

As a believer, I am identified as God’s sheep. And although I follow my Shepherd who laid down His life to cleanse me of sin, I periodically do that which is unpleasing to Him. I stray into sin. We sheep tend to do that, you know. (Isaiah 53:6) Sin soils me and stains me. My sin is an offense to God, and, therefore, my fellowship with my Shepherd is hindered. I have become a smelly sheep.

In Psalm 51, David expressed need of cleansing from sin. He said to God, Against you, you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight (Psalm 51:4). David asked God to cleanse Him with hyssop. Hyssop is a highly aromatic mint plant that was used in purification rites. David longed to be pure, and only God can cleanse us of sin, making us whiter than snow.

I love that David asked God to cleanse him with hyssop. When you and I come before our Shepherd and confess our sin, He faithfully cleanses us. (1John 1:9) His cleansing removes that offensive odor of sin, making us minty fresh. Well, perhaps I should say He lavishes us with the fragrance of Christ, restoring sweet fellowship with Him. 

Lord, I pray with David: Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).


Jan Burkhart

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