Lacking Nothing

Lacking Nothing

The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing.

Psalm 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing.” The end. Enough said. I could stop right there -- or could I?

I lack nothing.” Really? Do I believe that in my heart? Does my life reflect that belief? 

My insecurities prove pretty ridiculous when I realize God has given me the skills I need to accomplish every task he has for me to do in this life. 

Fear of failure has no place in living a life believing I lack nothing. Me, myself, and I prove not to be the important piece of the puzzle. He does. 

While interviewing for a teaching job years ago, the interviewer pushed me toward a Remedial Reading teacher position. I told her I was not sure if I knew exactly how to do the job. She assured me the district would provide me with everything I needed to do it and I just had to use them. Sure enough, multiple materials filled the shelves and cabinets in that classroom. They surely did facilitate my job. I have to admit, teaching those kids was one of my favorite teaching positions.

Likewise, God does not ask us to do anything for him without providing everything needed to complete the task. Whether training, encouragement along the way, discernment, confidence, his Word – with him as our shepherd; we lack nothing. Takes the pressure right off of us and focuses our eyes on him. Even challenging God-sized assignments become possible if we follow his leadership.

As we read further in Psalm 23, we see where the author has experienced God’s leading, guidance, comfort, and goodness. As we allow him to shepherd us, we will surely experience the same. 

Lord, thank you for your leadership and guidance. You do not expect us to complete our missions in our own strength. Thank you that in you, we lack nothing. 

Susan Partida

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