But this Doesn’t Make Sense, Lord!

But this Doesn’t Make Sense, Lord!

Oh LORD God! You Yourself made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and with Your outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for You.

 Jeremiah 32:17 CSV


Jeremiah, the prophet, only recorded two prayers in his book of prophecy. I especially enjoyed studying the occasion for one of those two prayers. God had asked him to do something that appeared incredibly illogical. Jeremiah obeyed, then wrote down his prayer. He began with a reminder to himself that the God who made the heavens and the earth could, obviously, do anything. Jeremiah then stated his question to God, “The Babylonians are outside the walls of Jerusalem and about to destroy everything and take us captive. Why, then, did you have me purchase this piece of property with silver near Jerusalem and record the transaction on a sealed scroll with witnesses?”

Jeremiah’s question frees me to also ask “why” questions of God. Sometimes my heart just needs more information to settle down in the midst of turmoil. It appears that Jeremiah’s heart did too. He’d acted in obedience. He wasn’t doubting that God knew what He was doing. Jeremiah seemed to need a bit more information. Ever been there? I have. 

I’ve noticed that God even requires the animal kingdom to do illogical things. He accomplished that behavior by instilling “instinct.” We watched a doe repeatedly chase off her yearling buck while her new fawn grazed beside her. We’d observed that same doe groom and play with the yearling all fall and winter. Now she kicked at him! God knew that youngster needed to find its own territory and mate. The new fawn now required the doe’s attention. Instinct appears illogical if you don’t have all the information. 

We, too, often need to respond to God in obedience when it doesn’t make sense. In these times, I need to do what Jeremiah did, just obey. If necessary, it’s okay to ask, “why” just like Jeremiah. 

We have God’s answer to Jeremiah’s question. God explained that one day in the future, “Fields will be purchased with silver, the transaction written on a scroll and sealed and witnesses will be called in the…area surrounding Jerusalem” (Jer. 32:44 CSV). 

I might not receive such a clear answer as he did, but I can experience the peace in my heart that comes with obedience. Perhaps, the answer will come one day on earth. If it doesn’t, I know for certain it will come in heaven. Either way, I can rest assured that my heavenly Father is still the same God who made the heavens and the earth by His great power and with His outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for Him. 

I can rest in that!


Linda Les

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