We’re Overcomers
“…take heart, I have overcome the world.”
John 17:33
In Spring when the Dogwood trees bloom, I think of Christ’s death and resurrection. This year I collected two trays of blossoms for drying in an attempt to hold on to their fleeting beauty and to extend my reflection on the amazing story.
During the conversation prior to His arrest, Jesus offered comfort to the disciples using the analogy of a woman giving birth. I’ve always thought that was an unusual reference since they were all men. Childbirth happened differently then. Women delivered babies at home. Children and husbands alike experienced the long labors and anxiety of the birthing process as well as the joyful relief once the baby arrived—suffering followed by joy. Jesus knew about the three long days ahead, four counting Jesus’ arrest and trial, when the disciples would experience deep grief and emotional travail over the death of their friend and teacher.
Jesus anticipated their struggles just like He knows about our own challenges and troubled times. That makes His statement, “…take heart, I have overcome the world” so powerful for us.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus overcame Satan’s power through His death on the cross. We belong to Satan until we accept the work Jesus accomplished on the cross of offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. He ransomed us from Satan’s kingdom by paying the price that sat us free! He overcame Satan and death by His resurrection and became an ‘overcomer.’ When we believe on Him as our Savior, we also become overcomers. No matter what trouble enters our life, we know that just like a woman suffering during her birthing experience, joy awaits us. We can trust that Christ will redeem the experience either here on earth or in heaven. Because of Him, we truly are overcomers.
Thank you, Father, that we have a new identity in Christ, that we no longer have to see ourselves despairing and defeated but overcomers because of Your Son.
Linda L.