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The Serpent's Lies

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

Genesis 3:1

Pythons like to slither into holes. A young Portland woman discovered this when her pet BART crawled into the gauge hole of her earlobe. She reported that before she knew what was happening, he was halfway through. After the fire department was unsuccessful in removing BART, the hospital emergency room coaxed him to freedom.

This story reminded me why I don’t like snakes. But more importantly, it cautioned me how vulnerable we humans are. We have an enemy, Satan, who constantly looks for an opening. He knows our vulnerabilities and tailors his attacks accordingly.

How can we withstand his temptations?

Don’t let him near your ear. As soon as you hear his familiar lies, walk away. Get out of that situation as quickly as you can. His “trap” words are different for all of us, but when we hear them, we need to flee. Pray. Call a friend to pray. Go for a walk and turn on your phone audio Bible app. Have an escape plan.

Next, fill your ears with His Truth. Every day. Multiple times a day. Memorize verses that will strengthen you. Listen to God’s Words while you exercise or do housework. Stream podcast sermons as you commute. A mind filled with God’s Word is less likely to be deceived by the enemy’s lies.

Address those weak places in your life. Ask God to show you those “holes” that need extra attention and prayer. If you need counseling, seek it out. Find a friend to hold you accountable in a susceptible area. Join a support group. Locate Bible passages that speak to your need and write them out. Fortify those weak places so that the snake cannot get in.

Father, help me depend on You and Your powerful Word to resist the devil’s attacks.
