The Truth that Is Not Spoken

The Truth that Is Not Spoken

You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious.

Ezekiel 2:7

A truth that permeates scripture is greatly avoided by many today. It’s seldom spoken about for fear it will be offensive. It’s labeled harsh and unloving by some. Others deny it. I am speaking of the truth of God’s coming judgment. Ezekiel was given the difficult task of proclaiming God’s coming judgment to sinful Israel. God instructed Ezekiel to speak about His coming judgment whether people listened or not.

Before you turn away from this devotional, consider this: Why is it important to know about and speak about God’s judgment against sin? First, we should consider judgment important because God deems it important. Much of God’s inspired Word revolves around the topic of coming judgment: the major prophets, the minor prophets (in other words, every Old Testament book following Ecclesiastes), the book of Revelation, many of Jesus’ words, and many scriptures in the epistles and other books of the Bible. Think about God’s emphasis on judgment. Shouldn’t we believers consider it important?

It is important to study all scripture to fully know God’s character. To ignore any scripture is to skew the image of God. God is loving, gracious, merciful, and forgiving, but He is also just. The omniscient God who is truth will one day judge all people according to truth. The LORD reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment. He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice (Psalm 9:7-8).

Lastly, the knowledge of God’s coming judgment leads unbelievers to repentance. How can an unbeliever understand his need for a Savior if he has never heard of God’s coming judgment? Avoiding the subject of judgment will not change its reality. To omit the truth of judgment against sin is to trample on the cross. Jesus died to pay the penalty of sin. But those who reject Jesus will remain in sin and face God’s wrath. Who needs to hear this truth in love?

Jan Burkhart

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