The Superior Way

The Superior Way

Love never ends.

1 Cor. 13:8 CSV

I think I finally got it! How could it have taken so long? While reading through Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian believers, I came to the familiar chapter on love, so familiar that I decided to skip straight to the next chapter. The Holy Spirit must have prompted me to stop and read through the famous ‘love chapter’ for the umpteenth time. That’s when I finally got it—love never ends!

What a profound thought! All the many aspects of church life and relationships will one day end at the completion of this current age, but not love. Neither living by faith in God’s grace, a life of service nor even martyrdom will last forever. That’s because there will be no need for these things during the next age, the eternal age when the Messiah reigns.

Just imagine what pure and perfect love will look like! It’s such an amazing thought that I can’t even visualize expressions of love without hidden agendas or expectations attached to it. Only God is capable of expressing unconditional and unlimited love during this age of the church. We read about it in His Word and experience it in our lives. The gift of His Son, Jesus, demonstrates the ultimate act of love that defies all other expressions. As I seek to allow God to express His love through me to others, I realize how far I fall short in the area of loving others. Even here the Scriptures help me with my limited understanding when they say, For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror (1 Cor. 13:12) which is exactly what it feels like—a poor reflection of how things ought to be. Currently, I only partially know how things should be, but one day I will fully know. What a glorious day that will be—love fully expressed and fully known. Love will transcend our earthly days and exist right there with us in the next age—an old familiar friend! What joy!

Father, love others through me. Teach me how to express this love as I seek to live a life worthy of You.

Linda L.

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