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The Fire Dancer

For they loved human praise more than praise from God.

John 12:43

I watched from the front row as the man lit himself on fire and danced around. Yes, he was a stunt performer doing this at a beachside show.

Yet I wondered what made him do it. Whatever the hotel paid him, I couldn’t imagine that it was enough to justify walking on fire.

I also didn’t see any place for the crowd to leave tips.

So, I concluded that he must fire dance for the applause.

Many times during the 15-minute show, he raised and clapped his hands to get the audience participating.

I couldn’t help but think of all the things we do for man’s praise.

My teen boys like YouTube. We often watch videos together. People will do crazy things for likes, follows and the praise of people.

For instance, one group sets up forts between the shelves in Walmart and other big stores. The same YouTube group rafted down a Colorado river in a children’s bounce house. These are among the safer things YouTubers do. Some will risk their lives in hopes the video goes viral.

While you probably don’t do anything that drastic, we all do things to make ourselves look good. We can even serve in ministry or other charitable organizations to improve our image.

Are your decisions based on what others think or what God thinks?

Lord, help us to be motivated for Your glory and not our own. Help us to fear You rather than people.
