Holiday Reflection – The Light

Holiday Reflection – The Light

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12

Early in the morning I walked into our living room. The decorated Christmas tree stood there along with all sorts of holiday trimmings, but the dark morning made it impossible to see any of the glitz or glitter. The sight ultimately left me sad and depressed.

As quickly as I could I reached for the switch to turn on the tree lights. Immediately the tree lit up looking more beautiful than ever. The room glowed with its light. My mood quickly lifted as I looked upon the difference the lights made.

The light – Jesus is the THE LIGHT. He makes the difference. He makes all things new. He brightens even the most obscure moments.

The world can seem dark and despondent, but when I acknowledge Him, the splendor emerges. As I look in His face my heart glows. As He illuminates my life I can worship Him. I must worship Him. His glory dictates it.

He is the Light which we can often miss in our picture of the world. He calls us into His light.

When I accept Him, I can celebrate even when the world may not be the beautiful place I would like for it to be. I can celebrate that He overshadows the darkness with His light. I can look at the world through His eyes. I can rejoice at the glory of His Light. Rejoice evermore!

Father, thank you so much for your light. How can we every praise you enough for what you bring to our lives?

Susan P.

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