Too Late

Too Late

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9

I noticed a For Sale sign in a yard yesterday. Written at the bottom of the sign in bold red letters were the words TOO LATE. I remarked to Jerry that life is full of those signs. I think we all experience them.

I try to be positive when I communicate with my children. However, there have been times when I wished I could just cram some words back into my mouth. TOO LATE! The same applies to my husband. I sometimes speak before I think. TOO LATE!

Gossip hurts and damages. Proverbs warns us about it. A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends (Proverbs 16:28). Satan loves to control our gossip button. I have sometimes shared a tidbit and later realized what I had done. I wanted to erase the words. TOO LATE!

God has given me assignments during my life. I love Him and have enjoyed serving Him. However, I can remember several times that I missed an opportunity to work in some ministry because I ignored the urging of the Holy Spirit. TOO LATE! The same goes for helping someone in need. The need is met by others or the opportunity is lost. TOO LATE!

Lastly, but most important, is the call to accept Christ as your Savior. I want anyone who does not know Jesus as their Savior to heed this warning. None of us are guaranteed another minute or day. The most important question you will ever be asked is “Do you know where you will spend eternity?”

If I could pick just one book from the Bible for you to read I would choose the gospel of John. It tells about God’s love for you. It tells about Jesus Christ, God’s Son, dying on the cross. He did that for you. God wants you to be with Him in Heaven. Find a copy of John if you can and read about the love of God. Answer His call and accept His Son as your Savior. Now is the time to decide. Please don’t be TOO LATE!

Dear Father, Teach us to heed all your warning signs. Give us a discerning heart.

Janice Yandell

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