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Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

Colossians 4:5

As we drove away, my children went on and on. “Mom, I’ve never seen you so friendly!” While this wasn’t necessarily encouraging, I also wondered what had come over me. For some reason the young woman working the drive-thru looked like she needed encouragement. I asked her a few questions and realized she was new to town. Would she like to attend church with us? The answer was yes!

Over time, we formed a friendship with her and learned she moved to forge a new life for herself. She needed some fresh voices in her ears. We could support her by simply including her in our routines. 

Church and lunch? Yes, please. Driving through her window when we guessed she’d be working. Easy. A text every now and then. Simple. A Christian CD dropped off at her work? Fun for us all.

Meeting this young woman reminded me of all the interactions that I squander regularly. I walk up, pay, and walk out. Do I make eye contact or offer a word to help someone get through their shift? So many customers look through their wait-staff. Christians shouldn’t be those customers.

How can you point others to Jesus through your daily interactions? If you frequent a restaurant, why not ask for the same server each time? Remember the name of the person who makes your coffee or takes your parking ticket. Over time, you will build a relationship, and at the right time you can speak about Jesus. It doesn’t need to be “preachy,” but it can be meaningful. People are desperate for hope and human contact. Just by looking someone in the eye you can provide them with a small dose of both.

Ask Jesus to give you His eyes as you go through your day. You never know when the person serving you needs a smile or laugh. You may even get the opportunity to someday introduce them to the source of your hope, Jesus. 

Jesus, You always focused on the individual and their needs during Your time on Earth. Help me do the same. 
