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Trust in the LORD - not your own understanding

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Ladies, I profess utter and complete trust in the Lord with all my heart, yet what a fickle fool I am when things go awry. Instead of leaning on God at the onset, I first lean on my understanding of the circumstances. And circumstances are not to be trusted. We see such a small slice of the big picture God sees.  

What do you do though when bad things happen to good people? Illness and accidents beyond anyone’s control come to mind, as with my mom.

What do you do when the people you should be able to trust the most pull the rug out from under you? I think of unconscionable child abuse. Beth Moore has a story to tell of childhood abuse and eventually breaking free from its bounds.

What do you do with infidelity? Lysa TerKeurst, Christian author and speaker, recently filed for divorce from her unfaithful husband when he would not end his affairs despite repeated counselling.

Young woman—now that your kids are old enough to feel conflicted, what do you do with substance abuse when your husband falls off the wagon, again? Did you know that 1:8 people are alcoholics? Are you aware that opioid addiction is epidemic?

There is nothing pretty when any of the above invades your family circle. When it’s you, you do your best to understand. Why me? Why now? Where are you God? Why did you let this happen? The tension is self-induced because you’re leaning on yourself.

In the summer heat, aerial skiers trudge up the stairs of the demonstration ski jumps at the Olympic center in Park City UT to show off their skills. Flying down the ramps in full gear, they execute somersaults, full turns, back flips, and land in the water of the training pool. Bubbles in the pool break the water tension to ease their landing. 

How can you break the tension, and balance the acrobatics of your understanding? Make this scripture your mantra: Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own (Proverbs 3:5, MSG).

Nancy P