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Seasoned Words

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Colossians 4:6

My family and I like to watch cooking competitions, as the finalist battle it out for the best chef on the show. It is still amazing to me how so many of these chefs brag about their cooking and yet can get eliminated on one simple fact – they did not season their food with salt. The food was not pleasing to the judges and therefore they lost the competition. 

Our words can have the same effect to those listening to us. We can speak with words of grace and love and have people enjoy our company or we can quickly turn others away with complaints and bitterness in our words.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this gentle reminder to be careful with our words and the conversations we speak. Help us Lord to speak with pleasing words to those listening and allow it to draw people closer to You. Prompt us to hold our tongue when we are tempted to speak in a negative manner. We desire to have such a contagious Spirit of joy and thankfulness that it will be pleasing to those around us.

Charity O.