All in Fear

In The Thick of Trouble

Thorns… I don’t like them.

Recently, I was caught in a fight with multiple vine-like thorn bushes while trying to clear an area of land. The more I wrestled with them, the more they caught my clothes and circled around me… like a live animal attacking. I cried out for help!

Green Jelly Beans

It all began in the garden, didn’t it? It certainly would have been God’s desire that we be holy as He is. After all He created man in his own image (Genesis 1:27), and holiness is the essence of His being. Makes me wonder how different things could have been.

Yada Yada Knowledge

In my search for the fear of the LORD this year I am certainly in need of both wisdom and understanding. See how key knowledge of the Holy One is. I need to know God, not just know about God. The Hebrew for knowledge, yada, is experiential knowledge, not merely head knowledge.


Names in biblical times were important. “I AM WHO I AM” proclaims the “eternity and self-existence of God”*. Plain and simple, that is who He is. The name by which He is to be known forever is ‘The LORD’, translated Yahweh. The Israelites considered Yahweh too holy to speak or write out in full.**  At least they started out with reverence and awe.


Holy. Holy. Holy.

The Old Testament patriarchs and prophets were no strangers to godly fear. Take Isaiah’s cry for example: “Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty” (Isaiah 6:5).  

Who Do I Fear?

Being a people-pleaser is not something to be proud of. It is based on fear of rejection, punishment, or abandonment. Not until recently did I realize that I work to please people more than I want to please God. Ouch! That’s a hard reality to face.

The Fog of Fear

Habakkuk—one of those books in the Bible I need the index to find, and cannot spell unless I pronounce each “k” separately. Mercy me! In the days before the southern kingdom fell to Babylon (586 BC), the prophet Habakkuk’s heart was broken over the apparent triumph of evil over righteousness. Decency and peace were crumbling everywhere. Kind of makes us think of society today.

What I Fear

What are your greatest fears? It’s not often I’ve feared for my life but several memories remind me I’ve had a few.

Traveling home from Belize with one of my 10 year old twins as we flew through a terrible storm was terrifying. I was not sure we would make it safely back to Houston.

Drop the Blanket

It went with her everywhere… my daughter’s baby blanket was her security for years. They did everything together. She even named it “Bobbie.” When the blanket was over-loved, I repaired it several times. Eventually, it was packed in a family memory box.


In storms of life… fear escalates… becoming more intense.

When out of your element, in a storm, the enemy has an advantage… fear is a strong weapon.

Do you know what to do in that situation?

That Does Not Look Good

My little dog, Buddy, was recently attacked by a much bigger and stronger dog. The veterinarian performed surgery to save Buddy's life. He had a wickedly long incision on his underside. The veterinarian told me to let him know if the incision became infected.

Singing and Running

They tried everything they could to reduce her fever. Witch hazel. An ice bath. They knew a doctor was the best decision to save their daughter’s life. With no phone and no vehicle, they did the only thing they could.

“Run as fast as you can to the doctor’s house. Ask him to come with his medicine kit. Whatever you do, don’t stop running!”