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Prayers that Move Heaven

...Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding

and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard,

and I have come in response to them.

Daniel 10:12

A recent study of Daniel caused me to evaluate my prayers.

God gave Daniel a vision that troubled him, so Daniel began to fast and pray for understanding. He continued this fervent prayer for 21 days, until a messenger arrived with the explanation. (Daniel 10-12) Daniel’s uppermost desire was to gain understanding of God’s revelation.

I also have a great desire for understanding God’s revelation to me and you—the Bible. I pray daily for wisdom and understanding. Yet, Daniel’s example has caused me to reflect, “Am I praying for understanding with consistent fervency?”

The messenger revealed to Daniel that from the moment he began to pray, God responded by sending a messenger with an explanation. Yet, the enemy came against that messenger and detained him for 21 days. Daniel’s prayer for understanding stirred up the heavenly realms!

As I studied this passage, the question came to mind, “How many of my prayers stir up the heavenly realm?”  

Praying for understanding of God’s Word will move the heavenlies. The enemy doesn’t want understanding of God’s truth to be known. Praying for God’s people to repent, receive forgiveness, and experience God’s blessing will stir up the heavenly realm. (Daniel 9)

Praying for the Holy Spirit to go forth in power to convict and transform, praying for an unbeliever to come to salvation, or praying for deliverance from fear or discouragement are prayers the enemy detests. He comes in power to hinder the answer of these prayers. His power is great, but the power of the Lord God is far greater.  

Let’s move heaven and earth with our prayers. As we pray, we can pray with confidence, knowing God is all-powerful. His truth will go forth, and His mighty work will be accomplished!

Lord, help us join you in your will and work by praying prayers that glorify you and stir up the heavenlies!


Jan Burkhart