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Climb on Up

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

1 John 3:1 NIV


As our youngest grandson and my husband had fun together in our play room, I decided I could work on a simple sewing project in another bedroom. As soon as my grandson heard the sewing machine whirring, curiosity got the best of him, and here he came. He had to see what was going on.

My grandson climbed up into my lap. Of course, I loved that and hugged him tightly. He wanted to observe the actual process so I put my foot down on the pedal very gently. I did my best to go at a slow pace to keep him safe and sound. You can imagine the joy of holding him near while doing something I loved to do. My husband could not help but take a picture so we could hold on to that memory.

Ever get curious about what God is doing? Ever need some clarity? What a perfect time to climb up in God’s lap and let him “lavish” his love on us. He wants us to join him. He wants to reveal his purposes though his Spirit and his Word.

Staying connected to God, our Father, brings us so much joy It gives us his perspective in this somewhat confusing world. It also fills our hearts with his blessing. He delights in showing us his love even more than I loved showing my grandson how much I care for him. How great is his love.

God goes at the best pace, equipping us for the race, as we lean in to his Grace.

What could be better than that!

Father, we know you love us. Thank you for allowing us to bask in your presence as only your children can. We love you, oh God. You show us what love really is.


Susan Partida