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Created with Purpose

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10 NIV

My sister-in-law gave me a ton of fabric. Although I had organized it by color and designs, I had not really done much else with it. Then we decided to make heart shaped hot pan holders.

I had more fun picking out coordinating material to make each hot pan holder. None were alike because I mixed and matched different pieces of fabric for each. Every time I finished one the thought crossed my mind, “This is my favorite one!” My plan for designing and making something useful came to fruition and delighted me.

Friends, God made us in much the same way. He chose our height, our eye color, skin color, and so much more. In Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, he even says he made us in his image.

The hot pan holders I made serve the purpose of keeping hands from burning when picking up something hot. Ephesians 2:10 tells us God made us for a purpose. Every human being has a God-given purpose. He made us with meaning and a reason to be here.

So, what are we to do with this information?

Remember it if we get down on ourselves. Look to him for that purpose and meaning. Study his Word actively. Find community with a group of believers who reach out to and care for those around them. Jump in and help as he guides us to do so. Do not be afraid to follow his direction as we hear his voice.

God made us; he created us with purpose. He delights in us when we put our trust in him. Let us celebrate his lovingkindness.

God, you are good. You made each of us with a plan in mind. We are not random specks dropped off here on earth. Help us to remember that knowledge. Help it give us courage as we travel through the life you gave us.  


Susan Partida