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Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8 ESV


My mind is often a whirlwind of thoughts, a far cry from a calm mind. I fixate on perceived threats. My thoughts run rampant and hinder my ability to fully embrace life and live by my values. It's a constant struggle and one that can be incredibly disheartening. But there is hope for change!

I have been studying and learning about anxiety. First, instead of resisting the feelings, I accept them. Then, change can take place.

One practice that I am learning is mindfulness. Mindfulness is about regaining control by focusing on what is happening in the present moment without judgment. Being aware of ‘now’ helps shift attention away from anxiety-inducing thoughts, which are usually rooted in the past or future.

A helpful exercise is to choose an object to observe for five minutes. Look at it. Notice it without judging it or having opinions about it. As time goes by, we get distracted. Once we become aware of that, refocus on the object. Keep doing this until the time is up. Do this a few times a day for a week. Then, increase the amount of time you focus on a selected object. For my first exercise, I chose to concentrate on a coffee mug.

My latest exercise focused on God while I took my daily walk. Since God is the Creator of all nature, I had an abundance of things to observe with my senses. I noticed the clear blue sky, the green trees, a dog barking, the breeze on my face, the fresh air smell, and the warmth from the sun. When distracted by a passing car, I heard a bird chirping.

As I observe the magnificence of your creation, I am filled with gratitude, Lord. Your presence reminds me to keep my mind on You throughout the day.


Karen Sims