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Lost, but Found

Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Does she not

light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?

Luke 15:8


It had been a full day of running errands, traveling out of town, swimming with my grandchildren… That night I noticed the diamond in my ring was missing. It wasn’t a large diamond, but it was treasured. My family and I searched, knowing that the chance of finding that diamond was very slim. Eventually, my daughter looked in the car, and there on the car seat was my diamond.

I had my ring “repaired,” but a few months later, the diamond was missing again. After several hours of searching in vain, I sadly ceased looking. Later that night, I saw something sparkle on my kitchen floor. To my amazement, it was my diamond. That which was lost again was found.

In Luke 15 Jesus told a parable of a lost sheep and a lost coin. A lost sheep cannot find his shepherd. A lost coin cannot return to its owner, even as my diamond couldn’t return to me. In both parables, the owner searched until that which was missing was found.

Jesus said of Himself, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Did you get that? Jesus seeks those who are spiritually lost—those who are separated from God through unbelief and are unable to come to Jesus on their own. Such is the grace and love of our Lord! He pursues us and draws us to Himself!

Upon belief in Jesus, we become a part of God’s eternal family. Unlike my diamond that was lost twice, we will never be lost again. We are held securely by Jesus for all eternity! (John 10:28)

Thank you, Jesus, that you pursued me. Though I was lost, now I am found. I am yours forever.

