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The Abundant Path

he instruction of the LORD is perfect, renewing one’s life; the testimony of the LORD is trustworthy, making the inexperienced wise.

Psalm 19:7 CSB


Offers for ways to live an abundant life are everywhere. If you just have this or do that, you will be fulfilled. Really?

If I take these fruit and vegetable pills every day, I will be completely healthy? Why don’t I just eat real fruit and vegetables? If I have this once in a life time experience in some exotic location, I’ll be happy forever? What happens when I come back to real life at home and at work?

By now, many of you, like me, have discovered that all the world promises, in the way of abundance and contentment. is a temporary fix. Not that we cannot enjoy these things. We can, and we do.

The Lord loves to shower us with things on earth that bring joy, refreshment, and excitement. I love time at the beach, seafood, reading and time with family!

The problem comes when we look to these things to bring the kind of abundance only Christ gives. According to Psalm 19:7, our lives are continually renewed through His truth alone.

We choose which path to take, the foolish one or, the wise one. In Psalm 1, we see the difference in the path of the righteous and that of the wicked. One leads to delight, fruit, prosperity and a solid foundation. The other leads to waste, ruin and worthlessness. One leads to life in eternity, the other won’t be a part of the redemption.

The abundant path is perfect, offering a renewed life when we trust God’s Word filled with instructions and guidance. We become wise with His wisdom. Wisdom brings contentment and deepening faith. Nothing else offers this kind of abundance.

Thank you, Lord, for your truth which is my lifeline. And for giving me wisdom to live on earth abundantly. Your instruction is always trustworthy and leads us to follow and grow in faith and dependence on you.


 Chris Adams