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Never Alone – Trust the One Who Knows the Plan

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV


“I understand. I know what you are going through. I went six years without a diagnosis,” the lady on the phone began explaining. I could not believe that I was talking to someone who knew.

For years I had dealt with relentless fatigue, my legs feeling so weak as if I was wearing bricks for shoes. Facing a diagnosis of a rare, progressive autoimmune neuromuscular disease that has no cure had sent my mind racing with “what ifs?”

What if? I get to the point where I cannot walk, work, live in my home and on and on. My head hurt trying to process everything. To have someone say they understand, released a flood of emotions. I immediately started firing questions--until she halted the conversation. “You have to know this,” she said. “Your journey will be your journey; my journey is my journey. No two people are the same. You don’t know how to plan – you must take it day by day.”

She explained that some days will be as if nothing is wrong and other days will be hard to complete even the simplest task. “How can I not plan?” I asked. “You have to find what works, be flexible, and realize that this is out of your control,” she answered.

When our conversation ended, I thought about how Noah built an ark before a drop of rain fell; the Red Sea didn’t part until Moses put his foot in the water; and Esther used her gifts of diplomacy and compassion to save a nation. They didn’t go into their situation with all the answers and a plan carefully laid out. They trusted the One who designed the plan for their life. God called, equipped, and sent them. Couldn’t I trust him to move in my life the same way, equipping me for the future and guiding my path?” I just need to hope and trust and worry less.


Mitzie Avera