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Beyond the Mud and Mire

He lifted me out of the slimy pit,

out of the mud and mire.

He set my feet on a rock,

and gave me a firm place to stand.

He put a new song in my mouth,

a hymn of praise to our God.

 Psalm 40:2-3 NIV


I jumped from the small boat onto the shore, but sank so deeply into the mud I could neither move forward nor backward! I was irretrievably stuck and had to call for help. I thought of that experience recently when scrolling through the Psalms seeking imagery to put words to my illusive emotions.

I discovered that David, along with other Old Testament writers, often associated distress with the depths, the grave, the pit, silence, darkness, destruction, corruption, dust, mire, slime, and mud.

On multiple occasions God lifted David’s feet from the slimy pit and gave him a new song of praise. David faithfully documented those rescues with pen and parchment.

God has also done this for me many times as well. He has promised that He will do it for you, too. When He does, document it by sharing it with a caring person. They, along with the angels in heaven, will want to rejoice with you!

Father, thank You for allowing those who have traveled this earth before us to encourage us by their words You recorded in Scripture. Show us how to be faithful in doing the same for those who come behind us. May You be glorified in all the muddy events of our lives. Redeem each for Your Glory. In Your Son’s name I pray, amen.


Linda Lesniewski